Homeschooling In South Africa How To Register With The DBE. Homeschooling in South Africa has received quite a bit of airtime in the current climate. More parents are investigating the in’s and out’s of how to start the process of homeschooling; especially with regard to the various regulations of the Department of Education.

Below is an outline of the process you need to follow if you choose to register your child for homeschooling with the Department of Education.

Read: Our Homeschool Journey – By Nikki Obertik

How To Register With The DBE

Any parent can register their child for homeschooling, application is done electronically via the Department of Education’s website.

There is an online application form that you will need to complete and send to the Department of Education of your province. (This is all available on the website)

There are a number of documents that need to accompany the application. And it’s important to remember that each child you want to register requires their own application form with the following documents.

Read: Our Homeschool Journey – By Claire Barnes

Documents Needed

    1. A certified copy of the parent/s or guardian’s ID document.
    2. Certified copy the child’s birth certificate.
    3. Certified copy of the child’s latest report card, stamped by his/her former school and signed by the principal.
    4. If your child is only starting school, their immunisation card must be attached.
    5. If you are a foreign national you need to send in copies of your work permit/study permit/asylum document and passport.
    6. A copy of the transfer card from the previous school if you’ve received one (I would suggest asking the school to supply one).
    7. If your child is a special needs child, attach a copy of the assessment/s you’ve had done or a referral letter from a medical practitioner.
    8. A detailed description of the learning program you will be using, which needs to include a proposed weekly timetable (with teaching hours per subject), the assessment criteria you will be using, which extra-murals your child/ren will be participating in, possible outings which you would be implemented during the year, as well as a breakdown of the school terms (196 days) you would be following.

Time frame

After submitting all the necessary documents, it’s important to know that the application process does not necessarily mean that your child/ren is automatically registered with the department. An official will contact you and complete the process of verification.

The DBE offers a list of all home education co-coordinators within each province.

The process of applying for homeschooling in South Africa is free of charge and may take up to 30 days, sometimes even longer, to complete.

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Homeschooling In South Africa - How To Register With The DBE

Jacqui Bester