Dealing with Skin Conditions
There are certain times during the year when my frustration levels rise for no other reason than simply what season it happens to be. You know what seasons I’m talking about… The gorgeous reds, oranges, and yellows of Fall; and the splendid bursts of pink, blue and white during Spring, are tempered by those dreaded allergies and skin conditions that accompany these seasons!
Sir and Mr. HULK both have a light form of Eczema. Their itching sometimes drives me to the point of tears. Especially Mr. HULK. Fortunately, it’s not as bad as it could be. For that, I am truly thankful! However, when his skin is inflamed and sore I want to pull my hair out – the poor little man is has scaring from all his scratching.
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Daisy and Bum have very fair skin. When they were born I couldn’t use any baby products on them, because it would end up in a rash all over their little bodies. Fortunately, our local pharmacist mixed us up his brew of cream, which is what we ended up bathing them in, and it worked a treat (I suspect he was a modern-day alchemist).
Boy, do I wish I had known about Sebamed then?
“Sebamed represents one of the leading brands for medicinal skin care with a pH value of 5.5 for healthy skin. All products of the Sebamed range contain high-quality active ingredients which cleanse and nourish the skin without destroying the natural acid protection mantle. More than 120 scientific studies have tested the high effectiveness and very good skin compatibility of all Sebamed products and confirm their skin care competence for sensitive and problematic skin.”
The last thing I want to do with any of my children‘s skin is dry it out like most traditional soaps do. That’s why I love the fact that Sebamed has a pH value of 5.5, (the same as our skin) therefore keeping the skin at its natural moisture balance.
It is moisture-rich, non-greasy, alkali-free, and quickly absorbed. Mr. HULK hates dislikes any form of lotion on his body! So this is perfect! I also like the fact that it isn’t perfumed. There are no Parabens (preservatives) and Phthalates (salts)… I had to look that up, no science major here, just a mom who wants to keep her kids’ skin healthy!
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These products make their skin so soft that I want to rub it all over my own body… But wait – I can! Sebamed is not just for little ones but has a vast range of products for the entire family! Just take a look here!
There has been such a change in my children’s skin. And I’m so grateful for discovering this product now that I’m expecting our fifth child… keeping baby’s skin soft and moisturized is going to be a breeze with Sebamed :) I have been won over!
My sister really struggled with her boys and skin allergies, plus food allergies and asthma, it si garret to see more products appearing! #gloablblogging
Glad you found a product that works!
So horrible. My husband had it from childhood and although it is so much better nowadays, he has flare ups. Luckily littlun seems to be OK so far. Hope it improves for your loved ones #GlobalBlogging
Son suffered with dry skin when he was young but seems to have grown out of it. I would have tried anything to help
Him. I am
Sure there are many parents who will be happy for the tip! Thank you for linking up to #EatSleepBlogRT
Love this! We’re so thrilled that you’re loving our products :)
I feel for you, my youngest gets rash especially in the heat so can imagine how yours feel. Good to know you found something that works #Globalblogging
One of my twin girls has skin issues and it can be a difficult issue these products look great will be checking them out thanks for hosting #globalblogging
Will have to see if I can get hold of it for my kids. Their skin is so sensitive, its crazy! Glad you found something that works, and thanks for sharing. #GlobalBlogging
I have the odd flare up myself and little miss omg has the most sensitive bum going.
Ill def be looking to see if we can get this in Ireland.
Thanks for hosting #globalblogging
Oh I’m glad you found a product that works! My siblings and I all have relatively sensitive skin and can’t use all products. When I was pregnant I got awful itchiness and it drove me insane – so I really sympathise with your family! #bigpinklink
It’s so great when you can find a product that works for the whole family and keeps skin super soft too! #GlobalBlogging
I haven’t actually heard of this product range before. I shall definitely keep it in mind when I’m going through an eczema patch! #GlobalBlogging
I never heard about this brand but it looks very good when I read your post. It’s so important to find a range that fits the baby! #GlobalBlogging
My son has been suffering from itchy dry skin and I have tried all the recommended things I even went to the doctors and they prescribed a cream for him but it does not seem to be doing anything for his skin. I think I will have to try the Sebamed products and see if they make a difference. #GlobalBlogging
My little one suffers from not eczema, but gets a bit of a skin irritation from where her nappy is. We currently don’t put anything in her bath water and only use a milk skin cream we purchased over the counter but definitely going to give these products a try. #globalblogging
Very useful post for any family that has to deal with this condition. Thanks for co-hosting the #GlobalBlogging linky
Oh my gosh, I so know what you mean. My boy, Captain Destroyer, has eczema too. He loves to come into my bed and scratch all night. I’m torn between being driven nuts because I’m tired and its impossible to sleep with a little person who constants wakes up and scratches and feel so sorry for the little guy :(
Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to see if they sell it over here.
Oh this sounds brilliant, I need to check and see if this is in the UK as excema is horrid. We all suffer at certains times of the year. Thanks for joining us at the #bigpinklink
Thanks for offering such great info! With the cold weather coming up, we’re going to need something to keep our skin soft and prevent itchiness. I’ll have to check this out for my little ones!
I had terrible eczema as a baby and someone (a man down the pub apparently) suggested I should only be having goats milk. In 1981 this was hard to come by so my parents bought a goat and my dad milked it for me every day!! My eczema cleared up and i’ve never had dry skin or eczema since!.x
Heard good things about Sebamed too, though never used the product. Thanks for the review! And looking forward to linking up on this exciting new linky:)
Glad you found something that works! Luckily we don’t have any skin conditions, but hayfever on the other hand!! #GlobalBlogging
My littles struggle with excema too. I wonder why such an uprise. Not many kids had this when I was a wee one, yet so many do now. Environment? Probably. We need to watch that stuff… Thanks for this great review. We’ll try if I can find it here in the states! M’wah! #GlobalBlogging <3
My little girl suffers Eczema on her face and I can see she is very irritated by it. She keeps scratching her face and all. :( I will have a look at this product next time I am in the pharmacy. Thank you so much for the recommendation. :) #GlobalBlogging
I’ve used Sebamed as an adult and all I can say is that it works. I believe that it will work for children with allergies too. Glad you found something that does the job for your children :)