Cooking with your child and expressing your love language whilst making tiny hands the best sous chefs. There are five ways people like to experience and give love. Among these are words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, receiving gifts, and serving one another. Cooking dinner with and for your family is a huge act of love in all its forms. By getting everyone involved in the process, we can show and receive love in many ways. We also can teach kids and those around us what it looks like to love well.

Nestlé for Healthier Kids “Nurturing together, add a little goodness”

Squeezing in some quality time by cooking with your child

Cooking with your little one is an excellent way to bond because sometimes it’s just about sharing the same space with those you love. Remember to put down that phone (unless if it’s to take a selfie), make eye contact and actively listen to show that you are present and focused on the moment.

The power of touch

Kids learn by touching, tasting, seeing, feeling, and listening, and cooking is one of the ways you can engage all senses. The process of preparing food is a sensory experience that can be a learning moment for kids so by holding and kneading together you are showing affection through your hands.

A thoughtful gift really does count as an act of love

Cooking with your child is a gift that keeps on giving. To add that sentimental value, why not give the gift of a treasured family recipe. Remember it’s more about how it makes them feel loved to get the family value.

Cooking with your child is an act of service

Everyone feels loved and appreciated when people do nice things for them, and kids are no different. Whether it’s letting them help with making the table or sorting cutlery. Little acts of service go straight to their heart. Allowing them to be part of the cooking process is one way to make them feel involved. Nestlé has created the Nestlé for Healthier Kids platform where caregivers can learn how to get children involved in the kitchen from a young age.

Affirming a job well done

As your little sous chef navigates their way around the kitchen, it is important that they know that their efforts are appreciated.  That reassuring hug and high five. Can go a long way when trying to turn peas and carrots from foe to friends. Kind words and encouragement will always lift a frown into a smile.

Cooking with your child will often mean messy hands, extra cleaning-up, a burned meal and an added dose of patience to answer the countless questions, but that ‘thank you, that was delicious’ as a nod of approval makes it all worth it and shows that love that is needed in the kitchen. Don’t waste time, show and express love to your little ones and get them involved from a young age.

For more tips on how to have fun in the kitchen with your little sous chef visit,

Disclaimer: This is a contributed post.

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