Do you allow yourself to enjoy a few daily pleasures? My husband and I found ourselves oversleeping this morning. This doesn’t happen often and after yesterday’s eventful wake-up call, (Read my blog post “Are You Cross Mommy?”) it felt good to have a little reprieve and lie in! A little pleasure to our day!
There were no major hiccups with the morning routine. No tears or tantrums. My eldest was sent off to school all smiles and the younger three left playing with Duplo in the family room. I was able to get all my morning chores done and even a few extra. Since becoming a stay-at-home mom, I have felt every emotion one could imagine. I was so used to being out the door by 7 am, my husband would drop the kids at school, I did the pickup and arrived home by 4.
We had a full-time domestic worker (another post for another day) so my house was spotless. Since immigrating and staying at home, I have needed to “find myself” (for lack of a better phrase). Trust me, there have been days when a classroom of 30 little busy-bee’s seemed like a wonderful place to return to, but seeing the growth and really getting to know my children has far outweighed any thoughts of going back to work.
Right now, this is where I belong.
Again, this is my experience at this point in my life. I take my hat off to all those moms who come in tired every night after a long day and still have to run a home.
I really needed to get organized, to feel in control. Take baby steps to understand my new role, and make it effective for myself and my family. I’m NOT talking about the typical day-to-day running, like organizing my calendar and appointments, meal prep, etc. I am talking about my frame of mind, my soul. What would make ME ready for this day? What little pleasures do I need to get me going? We all know how little time moms get for themselves, so how would I achieve this?
I love reading blog posts from other moms, I often do this when my kids are having their naps. (Yes, they still nap). And I stumbled upon this lovely post by Tracie, of Penny Pinchin Mom.
It really gave me the soul food I so badly needed. It’s called 10 things I do every day to keep myself and my family happy. I really loved number 3; To GET OUT OF MY PJ’S. Oh my word, if I could, I would be in pj’s every day. But that’s just not realistic – or healthy. Getting up, doing my hair, and putting on some makeup helps me feel like I am ready to tackle the day. Number 10 is also a hit for me; to KISS my husband goodbye or hello every day. We get so caught up in breakfasts and school bags that often we just fly past one another.. Well… This one is more enjoyable than getting out of my pj’s, and a good reminder to be thankful for all I have.
This “10 things” article is also really good advice for those that are prone to depression, may be struggling with a job layoff, or other times when you need to feel in control of your time and productive, for your own well-being.
Oh yes! I agree! x
Enjoyed reading this.
I can so relate to ”finding myself”, in a different sort of way. Yes, it was 35 years ago that I immigrated and no, I did not have children at the time. We used to have domestic help a plenty where I came from and it was quite an adjustment. I settled for a job even though that was not the job I was seeking at the time. I wish there were blogs in those days to get me through the days of finding myself!
If it weren’t for the support and wise counsel of my husband, I could not have made the adjustment to a ‘new life’.
My sense is that you will ‘find yourself’ and adjust to this new life very quickly realizing that the compromises you have made bring a new sense of accomplishment and joy.
I sometime struggle with remembering what I enjoy doing for me?! this post really got me thinking…
Thanks for lnking up to #coolmumclub
? Glad you enjoyed it! X
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