I don’t know about the rest of you, but for me, Valentine’s day tends to be a very rushed, manic, and frustrating day (at least in recent years that’s been the case in our house). We wake up, have a quick kiss, pull out a card, chocolate, or maybe a bunch of flowers and we’re all set to go…

And by “go” I mean the little one needs a nappy change, the older 3 need food NOW! The day starts with a relieved sigh of gratitude; “Oh thank goodness we both remembered”, and then quickly spirals out from there.

To make matters worse, there is the added pressure of having to buy a gift – or make one – to show your partner how much you love them (fine, I’ll admit that this is usually a self-imposed pressure, but that doesn’t make it any easier). But, just to prove that it’s not always self-imposed pressure, here’s an example of a recent conversation: “So”, she asked, “what is YOUR husband getting you for Valentine’s Day, anything exciting?” I felt like replying, “Why? Does the size of the gift determine who has a better husband?”

When did Valentine’s Day become such a sales gimmick?

Is that, seriously, how shallow we have become? Forgive me for getting on my ‘soapbox’ a little here…

I think the fact that you actually have someone to celebrate Valentine’s Day with is a gift worth celebrating! Shouldn’t every day be a celebration of love?

The world would be a far more beautiful place if we all woke up every day and started it with little “gifts” of patience, kindness, thoughtfulness, a kiss, a lingering cuddle, the list could go on… really.

If we began each day with an appreciation for the one we love, the whole day would take on a different direction. Marriages and relationships would be stronger and better able to face gloomy and hard days.

Now I know that, as with most important things, sometimes we need a little reminder. So, yes, I do believe that there is some value in Valentine’s Day; if for no other reason than it gives us an opportunity to pause and pay attention to the love we have in our lives.

But few would disagree that we need to address Valentine’s Day in a different way, a more meaningful way. So I decided to write a brief letter to the main culprit, Cupid himself, as my attempt to approach Valentine’s Day in a new way…

Dear Cupid On Valentines Day.

If it’s all about you, and not about us, go away.

If it’s about plastic hearts, and teddies that collect dust, I’m not interested.

If it’s about flowers that die and chocolates that get devoured, take it somewhere else.

For you see, the love of MY life is with me every day in a real way. He makes me laugh EVERY DAY, my pulse quickens when he smiles at me, EVERY DAY, and when he whispers in my ear that he loves me, EVERY DAY…

Even on the tough days… I truly experience real love. So yes, although all those spoils and treats are special, I love being reminded EVERY DAY just how blessed I am! That’s what makes me complete – not just one day of the year.

So here’s to appreciating the ones we love. EVERY DAY!