Five ways to have a successful family outing. We love exploring, and try to do so as much as possible. However, with 4 little ones, there are times when honestly I just don’t think I have the energy to pack the nappy bag! It’s like packing for an overnight stay when you are only gone for a few hours!

There are times when I think I have mastered the art, and then on other occasions, I want to pretend that these creatures don’t belong to me :) Yep, I can see you nodding your head… It’s been THAT bad!

So in my quest for “mastering” the art of a family outing (which I fail at most times), here are my 5 tips!

1. Morning Outings

Go on an outing in the mornings, when the children are still fresh and eager for the adventure that awaits. Make sure to be home just before their naptime.

2. Intervals

Take regular breaks to take a sip of water, sit under a tree or run around a little, to get rid of all that excess energy.

3. Research

Research the area you are visiting. Find out where the bathrooms, restaurants and play areas are.

4. Snacks

Nothing cures a grumpy, tired child better than a snack. Load up the bag with drinks and treats, find a spot to relax and let them fill their tummies.

5. Have Fun

If you are stressed, your children will become stressed as well. They are excited, let them run wild and free. Enjoy this moment, and have a minute for yourself as well.

We just went on an outing today!. And I must say we had a great time! And if all else fails. Drink coffee, lots and lots of coffee!!